Last Saturday, our youth group held our annual Youth Rally. An event where churches from all over western NY come and 'rally' you might say. We spend lots of time playing games, bouncing to music, and hearing a great devotional from Pastor Dan.
We started with a self-initiated game of Ninja, which consisted of about 14 people! Can you imagine 14 people in a huge circle all trying smack each other? It got rough at times but definitely fun all around!
Dan then announced us all to the center circle, and he explained we how were going to play Man-Overboard. It's basically a mind game, comprehending confusing terms of a ship (such as starboard, port, bow, poop deck, etc...) and beating the dozens of other teens rushing like a heard of cattle for it. Dan calls a term, such as starboard, and the last person to cross the Starboard line was out. But when he calls "Man overboard!", the last person to hit the floor was out. Teens started going pretty quickly. I was among the final 7 when I forgot to look behind me to make sure there was a teen behind me so I wouldn't lose, and that's exactly what happened. I was a bit saddened at first, I was hoping that when it came down to a few people I can't outrun and myself, Dan would call man overboard and I'd be the first one to hit the floor and that would help eliminate some of the better sprinters. Oh well.
Following that game was a very peculiar relay race, straws were handed out to everybody, and we had to pick up skittles in a plate across the gym with our straws, and bring them back to our home cup. Our Youth Group didn't win, but we weren't annihilated either. I was pretty proud of the work we did.
The next game, I was chosen to go help a less populated youth group. Mostly consisting of females I had never met in my life, but I tried not to show the awkwardness. There was a bucket full of bubble gum in the center of the gym, and one at a time, we had to grab one piece of gum and bring it back and set it on our home plate. The option of stealing from other youth group's home plates was open as well. We didn't win either round of that game, other teams kept stealing from our home plate. We were not allowed to physically protect our home plate in any way, but verbal defense was a valid option. When this girl came to steal from our home plate, I screamed as loud as I could in my drill sergeant voice, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING???", it was very entertaining watching them caught off guard when I yelled that. I guess they got frustrated at me for doing that, because when I went back to steal some of our precious gummy cargo back, I believe every girl standing in that line squealed in my ear as loud as they could. I laughed at that, I responded in my same voice as before "WHAT'S UP???", I'm pretty sure they were taken back by that remark. I wanted to go and steal from my youth group's plate but they were too far for it to be worth it.
The final game before our snacks of soda and cookies were served, was another relay race. One person at a time had to run to the bucket, grab a piece of gum and unwrap it, and blow a bubble for our youth pastor. Several of my friends sat out for this one, we couldn't blow bubbles if we had to! Frankly, I hate bubble gum and the only gum I do like is never big enough to make bubbles with. Once again, our youth group did not place first, but we didn't do as bad as other youth groups did.
Then, we were dismissed to the cookie tables, where at least 4 different bakers for each of the 6 different kinds of cookies offered an impressive arsenal of sweets. I grabbed 3 promising cookies and a Mountain Dew, and went to go sit down with my friends from another youth group. We talked about silly stuff until we were ordered upstairs to the auditorium for more competitions and worship.
The first competition after we were all settled in our seats, four volunteers from each youth group had to stick an oreo to their forehead by licking it, and then without using their hands, navigating it down their face into their mouth, without dropping it on the floor.
I wasn't a part of that one, thank goodness! But I was part of the next one, we were given little beanies you would give babies before a meal so they don't spill on their shirt, which I thought was silly but I loved to wear it anyway. Then we were given exactly 8 ounces of apple juice in a baby bottle that we had to drink as fast as we could. I found the perfect spot on the nipple of the bottle, and rested my head against a step on the stage so not to hurt my neck. I squeezed on the bottle to encourage faster flow, which I noticed no one else was doing, so I thought for sure I was going to win! But then the nipple of the bottle bounced backwards into the bottle, I started to panic as I tried to squeeze the bottle harder to make up for the loss in flow. It actually paid off, I wasn't the first but I finished in third place 3 seconds behind the first place winner. I was awarded a pack of 5 gum for my victory.
We sang some nice upbeat songs that we got to bounce to, clap to, throw out our voices singing to, and some slower ones to get more personal to. Then Pastor Dan came up and shared his devotional, which was very interesting and led to 2 salvations and 18 dedications for Christ. Praise God!
A very good youth rally, we look forward to it every year, and I can't wait to see how next year's will turn out!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Our soccer tournaments
Day 1
It was quite the drive down to Sagertown, Pennsylvania... I'm lucky I remembered my MP3 which was making a huge lump in the pocket of my favorite military surplus pants. The back seat was more or less stuffy in our coach's Ford E-350, the four rows of seats packed full with soccer players promised a deathchoking stench of sweaty soccer gear for the ride home.
I propped my arm up over the back of the seat as the cold, damp window met my elbow. Leaning my neck over my shoulder to see Stormy's iPad (although it was smaller than an iPad) was strenuous through the endless strings of random Youtube videos we watched.
After the battery ran low for the iPad, I resounded to my second option of mild entertainment: the lump in my pocket! I hoped and prayed that Storm's repeated requests to borrow my headphones for listening to his screamo music hadn't shot the tiny speakers. Philips makes very good quality products! These little guys have lasted through endless abuse and volume, but they remain loyal in not malfunctioning.
When we reached our destination, a school that was remarkably smaller than I thought, the temperature was much, much cooler that I had anticipated. I hopped back in the van to pull out my backpack who was persistently invading my footspace, and took out an extra shirt I brought for good measure. I took back out to the field afterward contently warmer. "No goalie jersey for me to keep warm in today!" I thought to myself... it was true, Seb, our best player, had volunteered to play goalie for our team since our opponents were the best in the league.
I recognized the field, it's the same one we played our championship on last year. Huge power lines cross right over the field. It's uncommon but definitely not unheard of for a punt to hit those power lines. I can't help but wonder if sometimes the punters try and hit it.
I fooled around with some of the 8th graders following my exit of the van. There's a small lawn in between the school building and the field which offered a realistic little game of mini-soccer before we had to pump up for the real thing. I smiled as I stole the ball countless times and the youngsters started to get frustrated. But after five or six rounds I resounded to being goalie for my little team, I didn't want to tire myself out when a REAL game was about to begin in an unknown matter of minutes.
It wasn't long before coach ordered us to do warm-ups and Seb led us around the little lawn in laps, I ran beside him trying to take pride. Our sweeper who usually runs beside Seb wasn't present, and I was more than ready to fill the gap for him after the countless times he saved the ball before I would've inevitably missed it. Seb had to stop to tie his shoe and told us to go on, so I took the lead. It felt great being in front of everybody, not as a sign of boasting but as a sign of pride, I didn't look back, I just led our team as we warmed up to battle our enemies!
The game began! I my cleats had already given in to the moisture of the wet grass, my socks began to become uncomfortably wet and cold. I marveled at how Seb took that ball literally out of thin air and controlled it with ease, twice. But something happened in the third shot... our sweeper missed the player who had the ball, and I rushed in to take it back, but I was too late, the man already shot straight passed our goalie and tripped over him as well! But Seb didn't get up, I assumed he was just hiding his humiliation, but when I asked him if he was all right, he didn't answer. The ref came over and asked if he needed our coach to come over, our motionless goalie mumbled "yeeeeeeeth". The coach took care of him while I told the rest of our team to stay back! The best way to make the situation of an injured player worse is to have the whole team gathered around him tighter than a hay bale. The coach ordered me to play goalie, and I responded wordless with no hesitation. It was inevitable, I'm next in line for goalie if something should happen to Seb and barely anyone disputes that. But when the jersey was on and my gloves were tight, there was only one thing running through my mind: "Seb was our defense captain, Josh isn't here, and all the 12th graders are on offense... I'M THE DEFENSE CAPTAIN!!!"
Now if the very environment of "if you mess up no one forgets cause it goes on the scoreboard for the whole game" isn't stressful enough, pile that on top of the one being responsible for the defense's strategy!
It wasn't too terrible, after the second half Seb was feeling well enough to play goalie. So I took the role of sweeper since the guy who was playing it hurt a muscle during our first soccer practice and wasn't capable of kicking at full power without hurting himself. From what I've noticed about sweepers, they need to do that, and do it well!
13 goals later, it became VERY apparent we had no hope of winning, the other players had been very cocky every time they got a goal and it was dumbly obvious they were toy-ing with us by the second half. But one of our midfielders had this bright idea! Once the whistle sounded to announce the second start of the game, all the midfielders and offenders came in and huddled around the ball... literally! It was hilarious watching the pitter-pat down the field a few inches at the time, many laughs were shared by our team and the crowd, I think the other team was speechless!
I was very proud of my team for thinking of that, even though we were losing by a mile, that just provided the opportunity to be more caviler in our methods of how we had fun! Afterwards, to help eliminate the seriousness of it all, I ran up to a member of the other team who had the ball and played around with him for a couple of seconds as I tried to steal the ball, I made dumb, sarcastic sounds as if I was enjoying myself to keep everyone from thinking I was planning to do anything bad to this kid.
We piled back into the van and drove down the long road, the promise of food somewhere along the way helped keep our spirits up. We stopped at a Pilot, which is a convenience store/gas station, to pick up some snacks in the adjoining Subway. The line of our soccer players seemed a little extensive to me, so I resounded to little bag snacks. Sour Cream & Onion Lays chips caught my eye, I sighed as I took it off the shelf, "$1.39, what happened to those $1 baggies that were the same size, and probably more quantity?!" I turned to the refrigerated beverages behind me to keep my head from spending the next hour and a half ranting on the economical problems this country has. Instead, I was faced with another problem, my three favorite Mountain Dews were sitting on the bottom shelf: Voltage, Livewire and Code Red. Now this was a serious problem! I called two 12th graders who I guessed had more recent experience in these flavors than I had to come help me with my dilemma, one of them obviously knew his Dews seeing as he spoke right up is suggesting Voltage as his favorite, but not after taking the time to think carefully between good, better and best. I snagged a Cheese-Its and a snatch of mini-oreos, and headed down the back aisle to find Stormy, ex-goalie and midfielder, looking at his list of options for a cool, refreshing means of hydration through a treat. He asked me if I got one of the 1 liters (that were on sale), and I held up my bottle indicating a 'yes'. He laughed at what I assumed to be my choice of soda but soon after he pointed out I grabbed a 20 ounce, not a one liter. I laughed as I replaced the bottle where a whole in the shelf once held the Voltage, and in replacement snagged a one liter Dr. Pepper.
I still felt my meal was missing something, so I headed farther into the tiny convenience store to see what other edible options remained. The smell of fresh rubber and car parts on the far shelves didn't promise much, until I saw a bag of what looked to be beef jerky... I love beef jerky and hadn't had it in so long! The price of such a small baggie made me think twice and even a third time about purchasing such a delicacy, but considering the total of my two other items was about $1.50 each and I had a $10 in my back pocket, I decided I could still fulfill my eager taste buds with an extra $5 to my receipt.
I always purchase my food in bags as to share with my fellow teammates fortunate (or lack thereof) to be placed in the same seat as me. It always proves to add to my list of friends considering they follow my rule of "don't be a pig with them...", after all, I purchased the object and wanted some too. Our two offense players suggested a freestyle rap battle between the five of us in the two back seats, one of them openly remarked that I had some of the best raps on short notice, but I studdered like everyone else did. We had fun!
Both of my parents were patiently waiting in the Bethel parking lot when we drove in. They were less than impressed when I told them that the other team scored both times they told us to push up but I wanted to stay behind in case the other team could out-maneuver our midfielders. Our coaches are not the best in the world but they are what we got. And, honestly, I'm glad I got some goalkeeping experience, even if it was under our coaches this year.
I had to go to bed early, the following morning was going to be an early wake-up call. One I was not looking forward to.
Day 2
I was right! When I opened my eyes the dark world around me flooded me with it's coldness. I'm not sure why, but I always seem to naturally wake up before I must, even if it's very early. I rolled over, hoping to see some insanely low number on my red digital clock. 6:30am, not as early as I'd like it to be (for the sake of going to sleep again) but it was enough to sort of half-phase between sleep and being awake for a little while, until dad's voice boomed throughout this half of the house, "Timmer, time to get up, bud!!" I let out my usual moan in a high volume to confirm his call had been successful but always secretly indicating I wish it had never happened (again, for the sake of going back to sleep). But after two or three minutes of forcing my eyes to adapt to the light of dawn instead of my precious eyelids, I forced myself out of my warm, safe bed into the cold, gripping air. This was not unknown to me, getting up this early, this time of year always promises dawn's freezing curse. I assumed today was not a cereal day! I overviewed the pan that, 90% of the time, holds only eggs to see if it had been greased enough the first time to keep my eggs from becoming latched on to the cast iron.
While they cooked, my stomach didn't feel quite right. I wasn't sure whether it was how I slept or those funky pills mom had me take last night for the suspicious-looking infection on my shoulder. I assumed it was the latter. I pulled the purest looking apple I could find, out of the fruit bowl and sliced it into smaller pieces, now was not the time to spend trying to strategically get every bit of apple I could without hitting a seed or breaking my teeth. I ate most of the slices and slapped my eggs onto two sandwiches with cheese can ketchup. Very filling and delicious but a little hard to chug down, dad was in a hurry to catch Mr. Frank before he left the school so see if he could shuttle me home after the game. I quickly splashed some water in a cup to help speed the bread crusts on their way down to my, even more now, unsettled stomach. I grabbed my coat and MP3, kissed mama goodbye, and hustled out to dad's work truck. The morning air was cooler and brisk than that of my bedroom, but I had two warm eggs and a jacket on my side now, if I hadn't I would freeze to the bone.
About half a mile down the road I slumped in the truck seat to see if I could catch 40 winks, or 20, or 10, heck, I'd be content with one, a long one, one very long one.
One of our coaches and a defender were the only ones waiting when we arrived, I asked the coach if Mr. Frank had arrived and left yet. He replied with a no but a silent one, I guessed he didn't get a good night's sleep either. I got a ride with one of the younger kids' mom that I was lucky enough to snag shotgun with while other players gradually piled in the back. They had a little DVD player strapped in in the back so the others could watch Narina: Voyage of the Dawn Treader while we drove. Dawn Treader... I wish I was a dawn treader, more like a dawn victim! I don't really hate early mornings, I just hate how tired I feel and how cold they are.
The nice lady who was driving us was mildly impressed with my knowledge of the script of the movie, I mostly tried to picture it with my mind. But after a while I pulled out my MP3 in hope for some familiar tunes. The ride to the school was indifferent than the previous day, I called out, in my head, all the familiar areas we passed the day before, but I was truly bored out of my skull.
We parked in the same area as last time, but I needed to change into my soccer jersey. Which, actually, wasn't changing at all, I just needed to put my pants back in the bag, my shorts were under them, and put my shirt on under my jersey. But even if decency is under them, it is still considered socially incorrect to pull your pants down in public.
We had no warm-ups before today's game, but everyone gathered around the goal to practice shooting. Many of which I failed to stop, but in the real game the odds of a person shooting with that much aim from that short distance is very, very slim. I shrugged off the endless gloats from the younger and annoying orders from the older that never seemed to stop. Until finally, the game started!
Block after block, dive after dive, I was starting to feel a little good about myself. For once this season, I'm actually doing a pretty good job! Many cheers went up as little Stormy outflanked their goalie and made a goal when they had failed to make one on us yet.
However, our secondary sweeper, Hapi, directly fouled another player accidentally. I thought this meant they would shoot from the 18 line, I would catch it, I would boot it, great, done! It out of here! But my heart rate shot skyward as the ref put it VARY dangerously close to our goal. Unless by some miracle, they would pick an idiot to shoot and he would shoot it straight for me, I was screwed. This guy was so close, he didn't need to be big or strong, he just needed to know how to put a clean shot in the corner. Which, fortunately enough, he didn't! The ball rolled along the ground, yet still very quickly, right near my left foot. If I could drop to the ground fast enough, I could catch it with my knee and scoop in up in my hands! Well, the knee part was a good idea, I did land on the ball with my knee, but not enough to stop it. It swooped right in behind me. I didn't let it bother me, there was nothing I could do. Although the habit of the other team screaming and shouting at super, mega annoying pitches when they made a goal did bother me, more than a bit.
Farther into the 2nd half I actually started getting really, really, sleepy. I forced myself as hard as I could to stay focused in the game, but it was no use. Especially when they got another goal. The discouragement mixed with poor sleep just overtook me.
Finally, with 6 minutes left in the game, one of their offense players dodges our sweeper, then the defense, he's right on top of me! He's going to shoot! What do I do? Dang, I've got to leave the goal and go intercept him!! Either way would've resulted in another goal for them, only this one felt more humiliating as the ball slowly but surely crept behind the goal line, when I was too far back to do anything about it. I did not leave that field a happy camper. I left a moderately-depressed soccer goalie.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
My first Photoshop
(Bottom - Before, Top - After) I recently found a new program called GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program), it works almost as well as Photoshop but from what I hear it's much easier to use. Most viewers of this post will have already seen this picture on Facebook, but I'll go into more detail on it here.
First thing that needed to happen, I needed to shape us all down without expanding us or making us wider. It's actually a bit harder than it sounds, but after two or three attempts, I finally got a satisfactory result!
Second thing, I needed to cut us out individually, around every nook and cranny. I finished Dave and me and got started on Peter when I realized that the cuts I made on Dave and me had disappeared!! So I had to click, 'Select multiple cuts' and redo us again, which took about an hour in all.
Third, which was most time consuming although my favorite, was the shading around our bodies to encourage the illusion that we were standing in the dark. I had a bit of trouble with Peter's shirt on the far right because when I shaded it in, it actually turned blue instead of getting darker! I tried a few other methods but I couldn't make it work. I also tried to lower the contrast on his shirt, but I couldn't do that without lowering the contrast on Dave and me, which was about perfect! So I left his shirt dazzling white in what was supposed to be nighttime.
Finally, there had to be work done on the sunglasses, I also enjoyed this quite a bit too! I enhanced the darkness on all our glasses and drew little white streaks imitating lightning. It was a bit tricky, because in real life you wouldn't see the exact same bolt unless you were looking directly at them, and we're all at an angle. Thus, I had to do a full bolt in the close lens and do a half bolt in the far lens to make it look as if we were actually staring into a lightning bolt.
I hope to create further creations, hopefully better detailed than this. You can tell it looks a bit like it was copy-pasted at first glance. But again, I hope to become more experienced in this program and create masterpieces to be enjoyed by all!
Any comments or Questions on Blogger or Facebook will be greatly welcomed!
First thing that needed to happen, I needed to shape us all down without expanding us or making us wider. It's actually a bit harder than it sounds, but after two or three attempts, I finally got a satisfactory result!
Second thing, I needed to cut us out individually, around every nook and cranny. I finished Dave and me and got started on Peter when I realized that the cuts I made on Dave and me had disappeared!! So I had to click, 'Select multiple cuts' and redo us again, which took about an hour in all.
Third, which was most time consuming although my favorite, was the shading around our bodies to encourage the illusion that we were standing in the dark. I had a bit of trouble with Peter's shirt on the far right because when I shaded it in, it actually turned blue instead of getting darker! I tried a few other methods but I couldn't make it work. I also tried to lower the contrast on his shirt, but I couldn't do that without lowering the contrast on Dave and me, which was about perfect! So I left his shirt dazzling white in what was supposed to be nighttime.
Finally, there had to be work done on the sunglasses, I also enjoyed this quite a bit too! I enhanced the darkness on all our glasses and drew little white streaks imitating lightning. It was a bit tricky, because in real life you wouldn't see the exact same bolt unless you were looking directly at them, and we're all at an angle. Thus, I had to do a full bolt in the close lens and do a half bolt in the far lens to make it look as if we were actually staring into a lightning bolt.
I hope to create further creations, hopefully better detailed than this. You can tell it looks a bit like it was copy-pasted at first glance. But again, I hope to become more experienced in this program and create masterpieces to be enjoyed by all!
Any comments or Questions on Blogger or Facebook will be greatly welcomed!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
I haven't blogged in a while, so I figured I'd just keep everything up to date with this blog.
I have officially joined the Bethel Defenders soccer team, and play as a sub-goalie. I'm doing much better at catching and diving then when I first started.
There has been a new spark in my animation world which has recently been put to rest for a while. While brainstorming I kind of wished for a Photoshop program. I did some research to see if it really was $300, I was wrong. It's $700! When I have that much money I'd better be getting ready for collage or a car!
However, there's a free downloadable program by the name of GIMP. The name sounds kind of dorky, but the results of some animators on Youtube are outstanding! I'm going to consult a very good animator my parents know to see if this investment would be worth it. (If you're not buying it, is it an investment?)
I was talking with one of my good friends about a career I would enjoy taking when I'm older. Many ideas have come and gone but I am unsure of any that will stick. I thought out the options that I enjoy most,
-Gymnastics (though not very good at it)
Then it dawned on me, what do all of those have in common? They are all used in action movies! One of the two types of movies that I enjoy most! Now it sounds a little far-fetched, I think, but if these are some of the things I love doing, then what could be better?
I considered being a actor/choreographer before but I didn't fully realize that I loved those other things too, when I first thought it.
Any comments or questions would be greatly appreciated!
I have officially joined the Bethel Defenders soccer team, and play as a sub-goalie. I'm doing much better at catching and diving then when I first started.
There has been a new spark in my animation world which has recently been put to rest for a while. While brainstorming I kind of wished for a Photoshop program. I did some research to see if it really was $300, I was wrong. It's $700! When I have that much money I'd better be getting ready for collage or a car!
However, there's a free downloadable program by the name of GIMP. The name sounds kind of dorky, but the results of some animators on Youtube are outstanding! I'm going to consult a very good animator my parents know to see if this investment would be worth it. (If you're not buying it, is it an investment?)
I was talking with one of my good friends about a career I would enjoy taking when I'm older. Many ideas have come and gone but I am unsure of any that will stick. I thought out the options that I enjoy most,
-Gymnastics (though not very good at it)
Then it dawned on me, what do all of those have in common? They are all used in action movies! One of the two types of movies that I enjoy most! Now it sounds a little far-fetched, I think, but if these are some of the things I love doing, then what could be better?
I considered being a actor/choreographer before but I didn't fully realize that I loved those other things too, when I first thought it.
Any comments or questions would be greatly appreciated!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Wedding cake
I don't care who you are, this takes comedy to a whole new level! I'm pretty sure my wedding cake needs to be something like this, with little J.I. Joe's climbing up the sides of the cake with grappling hooks and M16s! I don't know what to do about the man and groom on top though, maybe they can escape in a little Blackhawk or something. Any suggestions?
Anyway, today is Wednesday and today's subject is something weird. And this is my weirdomness! Hope you enjoyed!
Anyway, today is Wednesday and today's subject is something weird. And this is my weirdomness! Hope you enjoyed!
Monday, August 29, 2011
"HQ, we've got a pilot down!"
The past few days have been quite action packed with visiting relatives, I apologize for absent blogs.
August 11th, quite a while back, I was called from my computer where I was socializing over Facebook, up to the porch where mom was intently looking over a butterfly sitting on our grill. I asked her what was wrong when she replied that the butterfly was injured somehow and was unable to fly away. We spent the next 20 minutes or so looking after this poor creature, trying to assess the damage of the little flyer and making sure the cat didn't get to him.
August 11th, quite a while back, I was called from my computer where I was socializing over Facebook, up to the porch where mom was intently looking over a butterfly sitting on our grill. I asked her what was wrong when she replied that the butterfly was injured somehow and was unable to fly away. We spent the next 20 minutes or so looking after this poor creature, trying to assess the damage of the little flyer and making sure the cat didn't get to him.

It was amazing, being able to see this little piece of creation is such detail without a microscope or killing it. With your own two eyes, you could see and count each one of the little claws this guy used to walk around with while being grounded. I never noticed before that there are actually two parts to each wing a butterfly has, it actually works just like an airplane! He can steer himself with fantastic maneuverability (compared to our modern technology that is, I'm sure he still bumps into a tree here and there.) just by adjusting his wings mid-flight ever so slightly.
Amazing little piece of God's creation!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Wednesday :)
Well, today's Wednesday, my favorite day of the week! Mostly because we have youth group tonight at 6:15ish, and I LOVE youth group! Although I wish it was a bit longer, it's like the one time I can get out of the house to be my own social self, on Sunday I try to be a bit more formal.
But another reason I love Wednesday is because today is the day when the blog subject is WEIRD, a subject I've had plenty of practice at!
One weird thing we found today but has been a favorite since forever is Yakko's World, I remember we had to sing it in front of the whole church and I kept getting my tongue twisted! I was relieved when it was over.
Now THIS guy is weird! He's probably one of my biggest inspirations. Tim Hawkins Lullaby's and Singing the Wrong Words. I often find myself quoting this guy... A LOT! Different Churches was a bit funnier.
If I stumble upon more weirdness in the mere future I'll be sure to make a mental note about it.
But another reason I love Wednesday is because today is the day when the blog subject is WEIRD, a subject I've had plenty of practice at!
One weird thing we found today but has been a favorite since forever is Yakko's World, I remember we had to sing it in front of the whole church and I kept getting my tongue twisted! I was relieved when it was over.
Now THIS guy is weird! He's probably one of my biggest inspirations. Tim Hawkins Lullaby's and Singing the Wrong Words. I often find myself quoting this guy... A LOT! Different Churches was a bit funnier.
If I stumble upon more weirdness in the mere future I'll be sure to make a mental note about it.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
The Sea of Thoughts
I was very, very unsure about what to call my blogpage. Totally clueless. But I started anyway and hoped that maybe something would spark a good title.
Looking through the backround images was a blast but a disaster, SO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM! It finally narrowed down to a toss-up between the binary numbers and this techno-laser... type... thingy. I chose this one obviously. But then the title first hit me, a thought! Some of my blogs will have to do with thoughts! Computers have thoughts, they think in what's called binary. That is what my image is.
Binary is a simple compilation of 1s and 0s that form a code that the computer talks in. Of course, when you get an error message it won't say "11101110111101101100000001", because it goes through a translator before it hits the monitor screen. But every thought that passes through a computer is in binary. I think a bar code uses a similar system, but I'm not sure.
For science class this year we are going to learn about computer programming. Until then, just about everything I know about internal computers is stated above.
I know this blog didn't contain much that was of great interest, but at least now you know what all those funky numbers behind this has to do with The Sea of Thoughts.
Looking through the backround images was a blast but a disaster, SO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM! It finally narrowed down to a toss-up between the binary numbers and this techno-laser... type... thingy. I chose this one obviously. But then the title first hit me, a thought! Some of my blogs will have to do with thoughts! Computers have thoughts, they think in what's called binary. That is what my image is.
Binary is a simple compilation of 1s and 0s that form a code that the computer talks in. Of course, when you get an error message it won't say "11101110111101101100000001", because it goes through a translator before it hits the monitor screen. But every thought that passes through a computer is in binary. I think a bar code uses a similar system, but I'm not sure.
For science class this year we are going to learn about computer programming. Until then, just about everything I know about internal computers is stated above.
I know this blog didn't contain much that was of great interest, but at least now you know what all those funky numbers behind this has to do with The Sea of Thoughts.
Hey there, what's up? My name is Timothy but hardly anyone calls me that, TJ works fine.
I was born and raised in Chautauqua county, out in the country. I'm a christian baptist, attend church regularly and help with the events that take place there. I also enjoy my summer by working at a christian camp not too far from where I live. I have a passion for music and spend most of my off-time listening to songs I find on Youtube. I also enjoy martial arts, although I have never been given a real, official lesson on the stuff, I still enjoy the study of it and practice in my driveway. Last and definitely not least, I love acting! I love comedies to be more specific.
I was told that I had the option of writing blogs for writing assignments and school credit, so I decided to go with it. I've never really blogged about anything before, always seemed as if I lacked the motivation and initiative to put that pencil to paper or put the fingers on the keys. However, my mother (who is a professional blogger, if I do say so myself :) ) worked out a system with me that, hopefully, will encourage further legitimate posts.
I was born and raised in Chautauqua county, out in the country. I'm a christian baptist, attend church regularly and help with the events that take place there. I also enjoy my summer by working at a christian camp not too far from where I live. I have a passion for music and spend most of my off-time listening to songs I find on Youtube. I also enjoy martial arts, although I have never been given a real, official lesson on the stuff, I still enjoy the study of it and practice in my driveway. Last and definitely not least, I love acting! I love comedies to be more specific.
I was told that I had the option of writing blogs for writing assignments and school credit, so I decided to go with it. I've never really blogged about anything before, always seemed as if I lacked the motivation and initiative to put that pencil to paper or put the fingers on the keys. However, my mother (who is a professional blogger, if I do say so myself :) ) worked out a system with me that, hopefully, will encourage further legitimate posts.
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