I was very, very unsure about what to call my blogpage. Totally clueless. But I started anyway and hoped that maybe something would spark a good title.
Looking through the backround images was a blast but a disaster, SO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM! It finally narrowed down to a toss-up between the binary numbers and this techno-laser... type... thingy. I chose this one obviously. But then the title first hit me, a thought! Some of my blogs will have to do with thoughts! Computers have thoughts, they think in what's called binary. That is what my image is.
Binary is a simple compilation of 1s and 0s that form a code that the computer talks in. Of course, when you get an error message it won't say "11101110111101101100000001", because it goes through a translator before it hits the monitor screen. But every thought that passes through a computer is in binary. I think a bar code uses a similar system, but I'm not sure.
For science class this year we are going to learn about computer programming. Until then, just about everything I know about internal computers is stated above.
I know this blog didn't contain much that was of great interest, but at least now you know what all those funky numbers behind this has to do with The Sea of Thoughts.
I'm very proud of you! You have good thoughts and I enjoy reading them. :)